Capelli, pelle e unghie

Our Hair, Skin, and Nails is a robust formula that includes biotin, iron, zinc, and copper which all play a critical role in the health of these three areas of the body. It also includes other specialty ingredients including MSM (methylsulfonymethane) which may help in the prevention of hair loss, improve hair thickness, and improve the shine of hair and nails. This product is available in a capsule form.

Dose giornaliera:

  • 4 Capsules (2 in the AM / 2 in the PM) or as directed.
  • Appropriato per: Tutti i pazienti su indicazione del medico.


  • Iron: Aids in promoting cell growth and repair within the body and helps to stimulate hair growth.
  • Zinc: Aids in hair tissue growth and repair and supports the hair follicle and surrounding oil glands.
  • Horsetail: Provides strength, flexibility, and elasticity. Also assists in rejuvenating skin, aiding in collagen formation, and may even have antiaging properties due to its antioxidant capabilities.
  • MSM: Improves the thickness of hair as well as the shine of hair and nails.


  • In caso di nausea persistente, vomito, disturbi gastrointestinali o altri sintomi, contattare immediatamente il proprio medico curante.
  • Adult Use Only unless recommended by a healthcare provider.
  • This product is intended to be taken in conjunction with your Celebrate® multivitamin and other products as recommended by your surgeon and/or dietitian; it is not intended to replace your multivitamin. Please speak with your surgeon and/or dietitian before taking this product to review any medical conditions or medications that could interact with this product. This product is not intended for use by women who are pregnant, or currently breastfeeding, or for children. Space doses throughout the day (by at least two hours).


  • I pazienti devono seguire le istruzioni del chirurgo bariatrico in merito alla corretta integrazione. L'integrazione corretta deve essere considerata come un regime individualizzato basato sulla storia medica individuale di ciascun paziente, sugli studi di laboratorio e sull'uso attuale di farmaci.

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Informazioni supplementari:

  • È importante cercare un prodotto fabbricato in una struttura certificata GMP. Una struttura certificata GMP è una struttura che ha dimostrato di avere buone pratiche di produzione. Si tratta di una certificazione farmaceutica che garantisce che i prodotti siano prodotti e controllati in modo coerente secondo gli standard di qualità.